
Arc Realm is a blog that focuses on Anime, Manga and Games. The site will only focus on these three specific niches to ensure an up-to-date and quality content from those respective industries.

Anime & Manga

On this niche we focus on all anime and manga related content. Be it the revival of a series to a live action, cosplay events and even cosplayers themselves including reviews, news and opinions by our very own authors for each anime.


Here we focus on the latest and even nostalgic updates in the game industry. Let’s face it, the gaming industry is divided by a Master Race and here is where we’ll tackle ’em all. It doesn’t matter if it’s played on an Mobile device, PC or Consoles. We’ll aim to provide you with useful insights to boost you up and to keep you informed.

If you still got any more questions or maybe you wanted to join our awesome roster, don’t hesitate to ask! Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!