Also known as Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, The Rising of the Shield Hero which first aired last January 9, 2019 is…
With an initial release on Japan last October 16, 2020 - Kimetsu No Yaiba - Mugen Train now stands at…
LIMBO. A gloomy themed game that lets you be a child on a dark and horrific environment trying to survive…
A new basketball themed sports genre anime has hit an animation studio on the last quarter of last year and…
Among the list of wonderful creations we could dig during this quarantine period, one anime-themed art caught our eyes. This…
During this lock down period, games have been our go-to guy to let time pass by. Be it consoles, PCs, mobile…
If you've signed-up for pre-registration, the good news may probably have reached your notifications. It's now official! Another Final Fantasy…
Also known as Gin no Saji, is a slice of life anime that laid out the story of a frustrated urban…
Recently popping on my feeds is Is it wrong to pick up girls in the Dungeon? or DanMachi for short due to its…
While waiting for my weekly Anime watch list to be updated, I have found this series which always shows up.…