Table of Contents
What are Creator Codes?
Clash of Clans is an awesome multiplayer game that lots of people love to play. It’s so popular that many content creators and streamers make videos and share tips about the game. To show their appreciation and support for these dedicated creators, Clash of Clans has introduced Creator Codes. When you use a Creator Code to buy in-game items, half of the money you spend goes to your chosen creator or streamer.

How do Creator Codes work?
Creator Codes can only be used for seven days, but during that time, your chosen creator will receive a commission for every purchase you make. The best part is, you don’t have to spend any extra money when you use the codes. It’s a win-win situation!
How to use Creator Codes in Clash of Clans
Using Creator Codes is super easy. Just follow these steps:
- Open your Clash of Clans app.
- Go to Settings in the main menu.
- Tap on the ‘More Settings’ option.
- Scroll down to the bottom and tap on ‘Enter Code’.
- Paste or type the code of your favorite content creator or streamer.
- That’s it! A portion of your purchases will be sent to your chosen creator.
If you want to support multiple creators, you can simply repeat the steps and enter different codes for each one. It’s a great way to show your love and appreciation for all the amazing content they create.
February 2024 Creator Codes
Here is the list of all Clash of Clans Creator Codes for February 2024:
Creators | Creator Codes |
Akari Gaming | akari |
Alexcalibur | alexcalibur |
Alvaro845 | alvaro845 |
AmieNicole | amie |
Anikilo | anikilo |
Anon Moose | zmot |
Ark | ark |
Artube Clash | artube |
Clash with Ash | cwa |
Ash Brawl Stars | ashbs |
Ashtax | ashtax |
AtchiinWu | atchiin |
Aurel COC | aurelcoc |
AuRuM TV | aurum |
Axael TV | axael |
BangSkot | bangskot |
BBok TV | bbok |
Beaker’s Lab | beak |
BenTimm1 | bt1 |
BigSpin | bigspin |
Big Vale | bigvale |
Bisectatron Gaming | bisect |
B-rad | brad |
Brawlify | brawlify |
BroCast | brocast |
Bruno Clash | brunoclash |
Bucanero | bucanero |
Bufarete | buf |
Captain Ben | cptnben |
CarbonFin Gaming | carbonfin |
Chicken Brawl | chicken |
Chief Pat | pat |
ChiefAvalon eSports and Gaming | chiefavalon |
Clash Bashing | bash |
Clash Champs | clash champs |
Clashing Adda | adda |
Clashing N Games | cng |
Clash com Nery | nery |
Clash Ninja | ninja |
Clash of Stats | cos |
Clash Royale Dicas | clashdicas |
Clash with Cory | cwc |
Clash with Eric – OneHive | eric |
ClashGames | clashgames |
ClashPlayhouse | avi |
CLASHwithSHANE | shane |
Coach Cory | cory |
Coco | coco |
Coltonw83 | coltonw83 |
Consty | consty |
CorruptYT | corrupt |
CosmicDuo | cosmo |
DarkBarbarian | wikibarbar |
DavidK | davidk |
Deck Shop | deckshop |
Decow do Canal | decow |
DrekzeNN | drekzenn |
ECHO Gaming | echo |
Elchiki | elchiki |
Emre Kara | emre |
eVe MAXi | maxi |
Ewelina | ewe |
Ferre | ferre |
FlobbyCr | flobby |
Fluxxy | fluxxy |
FullFrontage | fullfrontage |
Galadon Gaming | galadon |
Gaming with Noc | noc |
GizmoSpike | gizmo |
GODSON – Gaming | godson |
gouloulou | gouloulou |
Grax | grax |
Guzzo games | guzzo |
Havoc Gaming | havoc |
Hey! Brother | heybrother |
iTzu | itzu |
Jo Jonas | jojans |
Joe McDonalds | joe |
JS GodSaveTheFish | jsgod |
Judo Sloth Gaming | judo |
JUNE | june |
KairosTime Gaming | kairos |
Kashman | kash |
Kenny Jo | clashjo |
KFC Clash | kfc |
kiokio | kio |
Klus | klus |
Klaus Gaming | klaus |
Ladyb | ladyb |
Landi | landi |
Legendaray | ray |
Lex | lex |
Light Pollux | lightpollux |
Lukas – Brawl Stars | lukas |
Malcaide | malcaide |
Maomix | maomix |
MarkoKC | markokc |
Menerv | menerv |
MICHELINDA GAME | michelindagame |
MOLT | molt |
MortenRoyale | morten |
MrMobilefanboy | mbf |
Nana | nana |
Nat | nat |
NaxivaGaming | naxiva |
nickatnyte | nyte |
NotErikuh | erikuh |
Noobs IMTV | noobs |
NyteOwl | owl |
Optimus Prime | optimus |
Orange Juice Gaming | oj |
Ouah Leouff | ouah |
Oynamak Lazım | omer |
Oyun Gemisi | oyungemisi |
Panda Casts | pan |
PitBullFera | pitbullfera |
Pixel Crux | crux |
puuki | puuki |
R S Clash | rsclash |
R3DKNIGHT | r3dknight |
Radical Rosh | radical |
Rey | rey |
Romain Dot Live | romain |
RoyaleAPI | royaleapi |
Rozetmen | rozetmen |
Ruusskov | rurglou |
SHELBI | shelbi |
Sidekick | sidekick |
Sir Moose Gaming | moose |
SirTagCR | sirtag |
Sitr0x Games | sitrox |
SkullCrusher Boom Beach | skullcrusher |
sokingrcq | soking |
spAnser | spanser |
Spartafail | spartafail |
Spiuk Gaming | spiuk |
Srta Maverick | mave |
StarList | starlist |
Stats Royale | stats |
Stormm | stormm |
Sumit 007 | sumit007 |
Surgical Goblin | surgicalgoblin |
Suzie | suzie |
The Chicken 2 | chicken2 |
TheGameHuntah | huntah |
Trymacs | trymacs |
Turtle | turtle |
TwentyFour Bytes | twenty |
Vinho | vinho |
Well Played | cauemp |
WithZack | withzack |
Wonderbrad | wonderbrad |
Yde | yde |
YoSoyRick | yosoyrick |
Zolokotroko TOP | zoloko |
Zsomac | zsomac |
Why should you use Creator Codes?
By using Creator Codes, you not only get to enjoy your in-game items, but you also get to support the creators and streamers who make the Clash of Clans community so awesome. It’s a fantastic opportunity to show your support and help them continue bringing entertainment to all of us.
So what are you waiting for? Start using Creator Codes and make a difference in the Clash of Clans community today!